Managment meeting!
I just came home from a meeting with our manager Oz Osukaru! We met up at Condecco in Gothenburg to talk about our future collaboration!
I also had a nice chicken salad with hot coco and cream, Jonas had a shrimp sandwich with hot coco and cream and the other guys just bit their nails! :D
Oz told us about the many exciting things that are coming up in the company with new business collaborations that will benefit us!
We will sign a new deal with Blindfoldead at the end of February!
Otherwise we’ve been on different places this weekend. Jim has been with his girlfriend and planned their upcoming wedding in May. Andreas had a DJ job yesterday and I had a song writing session Martina.
Have a great time till the next time!
// Hank and the other guys in Part of Jon
Dance of Jon?
Just came home from a great rehearsal session! We have practiced the two songs that we will play at the showcase at Storan on the 26th of February!
We are taking this competition really serious so why don’t include everything in the practicing?
We brought our video camera and recorded our moves in order to see how we can move better on stage!
Lot’s of laughs and silly moments there I tell you! I can guarantee you that some clips from this session will be featured in the first episode of Part of Jon TV!
This weekend was really nice!
Jim went to his girlfriend in Stockholm, Tobbe worked all weekend, Andreas had a DJ job and me and Jonas went to Hot Fräs birthday party on the Saturday night!
Crazy party I tell you! We danced all night long! Got some really really funny pictures of Jonas, I’ll ask him if I can upload them here on the blog and if he agrees they will be here later this week! =)
Til the next time
Rock on!
Hank the Tank and the other guys in Part of Jon
Songwriting night!
Yesterday I ( Hank) went to Jonas after my daywork at Posten for a songwriting session!
We started to work on our latest song "King of Hearts" It's a cool tune but we feel that it doesn't really lift like an express elevator to the sky in the chorus!
It ended up with us starting to write a new song that we feel is very promising!
Tobias and Jimmie have teamed up to work with the myspacepage and search for gigs and book our summertour in Europe!
It has resulted in one booked gig allready!
We will play at Harry B James in Stockholm on the 11th of March! So watch out there in our great capialcity! Part of Jon is on the hunting march!
We are really happy about the show and are going to book shows on the 12th and 13th of march in cities close to Stockholm!
If you know any club that want a cool rockband that'll give one hell of a show don't be afraid to mail us!
Had a snail mail today from Medborgarskolan with some information about the showcase! Got the names of the other bands that will compete with us and checked them out immidietly, some sounds really good and tight!
This weekend me and Jonas will go to Hot Fräs's birthday party!
Andreas have a DJ show and Jim will go to Stockholm to be with his Girlfriend. Tobias is busy with work all weekend so I guess that we'll just have to take a beer for him too! ;)

Since the last time!
We've been really lazy with the blog the latest months but there will be a change from now! Henrik is the captain of the Part of Jon blog now and I guarantee you that the wind will blow hard in these sails! Or something like that... :P
What has happend with Part of Jon the latest months?
We have decided to make a full length album that is planned to be released at the beginning of summer '10!
We have some really interesting material that we are working with and are really looking forward to get out and play for you guys!
The first schedueled gig this year will be @ Storan in gothenburg. It's a big competition where we have been selected as one of 10 bands from every corner in Sweden to play for a bunch of A&R Agents, Managmentcompanies and famous musicians! It'll be a blast, I'll get back with more information as soon as I know anything new!
We will soon launch an exciting project called " Part of Jon TV" It will be integrated with the blog, Facebook and Youtube.
The thought is to make episodes about the band and each member in their personal life!
We have been played in radio too! We visitied Radio 88 on the 21st of November 2009 and had a 1 hour show with Part of Jon.
Till the next time, Cheers
// Hank the Tank and the other guys in Part of Jon!