Yesterdays competition!
Yesterday we competed in”Showcase 2010” at Storan in Gothenburg. The concept is first a clinic with people from the music business who talked about how unsigned bands should work to get out with their music! It was very interesting! After that we had a delicious Chicken Wrap!
The competition started at 19.00 and we entered the stage at 19.30 and played 2 songs, don’t you let me down and Love Died Yesterday!
It was 10 intensive minutes but we felt that we played really good and had great energy!
Thanks to everyone who showed up and supported us, you guys are the best! =)
At 23.00 all band had played and the jury came out with their decision! Unfortunately we didn’t win! But to be chosen as top 10 of 700 bands is a victory itself and we are just going to work on like we are doing. Nothing’s gonna stop us!
After the competition ended we went to “Bryggeriet”. I went crazy and bought 20 ciders in a big bowl. My wallet is kinda slim because of that, but we had a great time so I can live with the agony. It’s just money, they come and go but the moments will stay forever in your mind.
Have a great Concrete Cap Day!
Hank the Tank and the other guys in Part of Jon
Part of Jon is Band of the month on!
We are happy to announce that we are band of the month at!
Check it out at!
I've contacted the company who will make our buisnesscards today! Have just sent away the file so hopefully we'll get our cool buisnesscard before the big show at Storan on the 26th of February!
Have a great day!
Hank the Tank and the other guys in P
art of Jon!
Gig yesterday!
We had a gig yesterday at "Ungdomens hus" in Partille. It was great! The stage is of bigger size so we had to move a lot to fill up the space!
We taped she show and it'll be exciting to see the show!
This week we were offered a gig in Hestra with short notice. The show is the next saturday but we couldn't take it because Jimmie had planned a trip to his girlfriend in Stockholm to plan their upcoming wedding in May.
Part of Jon would like to thank the organizers for the opportunety to play at their place and hope that there will be more chances in the future!
It's closing in to the big show now! Hope to see you there and bring all your friends! We're about to press buissness cards this week. Gonna check out a place where we can get T-shirts too.
Anyone's whos interested to get the first copy? :)
Have a great week!
Hank the Tank and all the other guys in Part of Jon
Busy week!
It's been a really busy week so I haven't been able to write!
The latest week I have stayed a lot at Jonas place! We have been writing new songs! We came up with 2 really nice melodies and I have started to write the lyrics for one of them.
Jimmie and Tobias has been working really good with the gig-search. We are currently negochiating about some really cool gigs! They have also started to contact Europe for our summer tour! Stay tuned!
Andreas has been working really hard with a new myspace and finished the layour this week! The page looks really proffesional and is really goodlooking! We will launch it as soon as the official homepage is up ( our manager is in charge of that).
We also went shopping together for the upcoming photoshoot! Henrik and Jonas came home with some really nice clothes! We brought the videocamera and you will se some clips from this in the first episode of Part of Jon TV which will launch in the beginning of March!
Me and Jim was interviewed by "Partillebo-news". The article will come out in march! Check out the picture of the reporters Karin and Susanne!

Till the next time!
Hank and the other guys in Part of Jon!