A funny story from the Story of Jon, Part 2
I just signed us up to be Opening Act for Erik Hassle in Gothenburg and Gislaved! So far no other band has signed up. If I get the whole thing we will be choosen to compete in a band battle against 4 other bands at Pustervik the same week and if we win we'll get to play those gigs!
I'm making a taco pie right now, got damn I'm so hungry and it smells so good! Anyway that wasn't what I was supposed to write about! Haha!
Another funny story from Part of Jon!
It's the semi Final at Emergenza. Part of Jon are playing last, 23.00 at a Thursday. The odds couldn't be worse. But we aren't the guys who give up without a fight. The tactic is to try to shag as many votes as possible from random people who's there to watch other bands. However Tobias, Andreas, Jimmie and Jonas are to shy to approach conversation with unknown people in order to get their vote so I was forced to do this work on my own. Determined to win I tried everything. Buyed people beer, flirted with their parents, and at the end I came up with a very effective trick. Afterwords I counted that I managed to get us about 40-50 votes from people who probably wouldn't have voted on us.
Meanwhile the other guys don't really have much more to do than to wait. And drink beer. When it's showtime the guys have managed to drink between 7-10 beers!
It's a bumby ride on the stage. Tobias is fighting to hold his balance in some advanced moves and Jonas is frequently saying "Tack som fan" (Thank you very fucking much) with a small lisp.
We make it through the show. Now it's a real thriller as the 4 bands who makes it to the final is revealed.
4 th place, not us. 3rd place, not us, 2nd place, not us, and then he announces, withg 158 votes, the winner is PART OF JON!
Wow that moment was crazy, and you can see it here on this Youtube clip!
Notice when they toss me up in the air that I accidentially kickes Erik in the head, sorry 'bout that man :P

I just signed us up to be Opening Act for Erik Hassle in Gothenburg and Gislaved! So far no other band has signed up. If I get the whole thing we will be choosen to compete in a band battle against 4 other bands at Pustervik the same week and if we win we'll get to play those gigs!
I'm making a taco pie right now, got damn I'm so hungry and it smells so good! Anyway that wasn't what I was supposed to write about! Haha!
Another funny story from Part of Jon!
It's the semi Final at Emergenza. Part of Jon are playing last, 23.00 at a Thursday. The odds couldn't be worse. But we aren't the guys who give up without a fight. The tactic is to try to shag as many votes as possible from random people who's there to watch other bands. However Tobias, Andreas, Jimmie and Jonas are to shy to approach conversation with unknown people in order to get their vote so I was forced to do this work on my own. Determined to win I tried everything. Buyed people beer, flirted with their parents, and at the end I came up with a very effective trick. Afterwords I counted that I managed to get us about 40-50 votes from people who probably wouldn't have voted on us.
Meanwhile the other guys don't really have much more to do than to wait. And drink beer. When it's showtime the guys have managed to drink between 7-10 beers!
It's a bumby ride on the stage. Tobias is fighting to hold his balance in some advanced moves and Jonas is frequently saying "Tack som fan" (Thank you very fucking much) with a small lisp.
We make it through the show. Now it's a real thriller as the 4 bands who makes it to the final is revealed.
4 th place, not us. 3rd place, not us, 2nd place, not us, and then he announces, withg 158 votes, the winner is PART OF JON!
Wow that moment was crazy, and you can see it here on this Youtube clip!
Notice when they toss me up in the air that I accidentially kickes Erik in the head, sorry 'bout that man :P

A funny story from the Story of Jon, Part 1
Since nothing's really going on right now more than soundsearching and songwriting I thought that i should share some funny moments that we have shared through these 3 1/2 years that we have been in this band!
Here's a picture from when we were rehearsing for the Emergenza final trying to exagerate our moves in order to learn how to move better.
Haha it's a crazy 45 min long video and it will probably never be uploaded to Youtube!
In this video Jonas sugests that we maybe should present ourselfs as "Part of Joners orchestra", Jimmie suddenly walks away to the bathroom in the break before the solo in Freak out, Tobias is having his signature O mouth look, Henrik is showing of really stiff offbeat headbangings and Andreas got a cool laid back attitude!
Real pure energy here and I always get really happy when I see this picture! =)

Since nothing's really going on right now more than soundsearching and songwriting I thought that i should share some funny moments that we have shared through these 3 1/2 years that we have been in this band!
Here's a picture from when we were rehearsing for the Emergenza final trying to exagerate our moves in order to learn how to move better.
Haha it's a crazy 45 min long video and it will probably never be uploaded to Youtube!
In this video Jonas sugests that we maybe should present ourselfs as "Part of Joners orchestra", Jimmie suddenly walks away to the bathroom in the break before the solo in Freak out, Tobias is having his signature O mouth look, Henrik is showing of really stiff offbeat headbangings and Andreas got a cool laid back attitude!
Real pure energy here and I always get really happy when I see this picture! =)

Nice 4 man rehearsal today!
Just came home from a nice rehearsal session with Andreas, Tobias and Jimmie! I tried out my new pedal and it's really cool! I'll play more on it at home to really get into how to use it most effective!
We jammed on some new song ideas today and Andreas came up with a really tasty heavy riff! It would be cool to include that riff to a song! Well since we are going to do something new and exciting and it's gonna be called "Clubinfluenced Rock" that makes anything from Axwell to Metallica possible :P
Sleep tight, all night
/Hank the Tank
Here's a cute picture from the first month at our rehearsal place in February 2009

Just came home from a nice rehearsal session with Andreas, Tobias and Jimmie! I tried out my new pedal and it's really cool! I'll play more on it at home to really get into how to use it most effective!
We jammed on some new song ideas today and Andreas came up with a really tasty heavy riff! It would be cool to include that riff to a song! Well since we are going to do something new and exciting and it's gonna be called "Clubinfluenced Rock" that makes anything from Axwell to Metallica possible :P
Sleep tight, all night
/Hank the Tank
Here's a cute picture from the first month at our rehearsal place in February 2009

Good music shopping today!
Just came home from town and a visit at the favourite musicstore- Andreasson Musik. Me and Tobias went in to find some cool and funky stuff to gear our sound with. Joel at the store showed me a new pedal from electro-harmonix called a Freeze pedal! After a short demo and like 5 minutes of testing I said with a smile, I take it! What's the price?
Haha doesn't matter this little thing might have been a little expencive but I'm convinced that this little tool will be a nice part of Part of Jon's new sound!
Time to practice with the new pedal! I'm excited and in a really good mood to write new songs! =)
On Sunday Tobias will go to Säffle for an intensive drivers licence education and hopefully he'll get back with with a licence after 2 weeks!
After that I'll sign out as the official driver of Jon haha ;P
Have a wonderful day everybody out there!
// Hank the Tank
Here's a happy picture on the band from when Jimmie got married =)

Just came home from town and a visit at the favourite musicstore- Andreasson Musik. Me and Tobias went in to find some cool and funky stuff to gear our sound with. Joel at the store showed me a new pedal from electro-harmonix called a Freeze pedal! After a short demo and like 5 minutes of testing I said with a smile, I take it! What's the price?
Haha doesn't matter this little thing might have been a little expencive but I'm convinced that this little tool will be a nice part of Part of Jon's new sound!
Time to practice with the new pedal! I'm excited and in a really good mood to write new songs! =)
On Sunday Tobias will go to Säffle for an intensive drivers licence education and hopefully he'll get back with with a licence after 2 weeks!
After that I'll sign out as the official driver of Jon haha ;P
Have a wonderful day everybody out there!
// Hank the Tank
Here's a happy picture on the band from when Jimmie got married =)

Hold on dear fans!
Just got home from a long rehearsal session! We have made a plan for this fall and I am in one way sorry to announce that we will not release any new material this year. The reason is that we really want to find our new refreshed sound and when we have done that we'll give you new fresh songs that will take Part of Jon a few steps up on the ladder!
Meanwhile I can comfort you guys that you will get a sneek peek of the new sound in october.
This will also mean that we will probably won't do many shows either since we'll be locked into the "sound creating cave" all fall and winter.
Hold on dear fans, we love you all and are so thankful for your support, without you guys we wouldn't be anything!
From the Part of Jon cave with Love
Hank the Tank
Just got home from a long rehearsal session! We have made a plan for this fall and I am in one way sorry to announce that we will not release any new material this year. The reason is that we really want to find our new refreshed sound and when we have done that we'll give you new fresh songs that will take Part of Jon a few steps up on the ladder!
Meanwhile I can comfort you guys that you will get a sneek peek of the new sound in october.
This will also mean that we will probably won't do many shows either since we'll be locked into the "sound creating cave" all fall and winter.
Hold on dear fans, we love you all and are so thankful for your support, without you guys we wouldn't be anything!
From the Part of Jon cave with Love

Long time, no see!
Hello dear fans!!!
We haven't been really active here on the blogg lately! Sorry about that! Well I'll give you an update about what's going on right now!
We have played 2 shows the latest 3 weeks! The first one was at Sticky Fingers on Friday the 30th of July! It was a real blast! We played really good and the audience was amazing! God you guys sing so beautiful on "Don't you let me down"! It gives me goosebumps!
We also played our new kick-ass song "Spit it out" wich was a blast! You can check it out on Youtube here:
We played a show at Gotenburgs Culturefest last Thursday! It was in a big circus tent and we played on a big stage infront of around 200 people!
The plan for this autumm is to play some more shows, record and release a new EP and to update our myspace with new hot pictures and design! With the new EP we will also launch some cool merchandise for you guys!
Have a great day
Hank the Tank
We haven't been really active here on the blogg lately! Sorry about that! Well I'll give you an update about what's going on right now!
We have played 2 shows the latest 3 weeks! The first one was at Sticky Fingers on Friday the 30th of July! It was a real blast! We played really good and the audience was amazing! God you guys sing so beautiful on "Don't you let me down"! It gives me goosebumps!
We also played our new kick-ass song "Spit it out" wich was a blast! You can check it out on Youtube here:
We played a show at Gotenburgs Culturefest last Thursday! It was in a big circus tent and we played on a big stage infront of around 200 people!
The plan for this autumm is to play some more shows, record and release a new EP and to update our myspace with new hot pictures and design! With the new EP we will also launch some cool merchandise for you guys!
Have a great day
Hank the Tank